Substantive Change Review Processes
After an institution submits an application for approval of a substantive change, HLC will determine the appropriate process for review based on the type of change requested and its complexity. HLC will notify the institution via email when the review process for its change request has been decided. Most change requests are reviewed through a Desk Review, Change Panel or Change Visit. Institutions requesting approval of a change in control, structure or organization will undergo a Change of Control Evaluation, which can take a variety of forms depending on the nature of the request.
Note: See HLC's Dues and Fees Schedule for costs associated with substantive change reviews.
Review Processes
The timeframes listed below are estimates. Additional time may be required depending on the complexity of the change(s) requested or other circumstances.
Desk Review
Average Timeframe: 3 months
A review of a substantive change application conducted by HLC staff.
Change Panel
Average Timeframe: 5 months
A review of an substantive change application by a panel of two or more HLC peer reviewers. The panel may recommend that the change be approved, approved with modification or denied. The panel may also recommend monitoring. Alternatively, the panel may recommend that the change be further evaluated by an on-site evaluation team, either through a Change Visit or during a previously scheduled focused visit or comprehensive evaluation.
Change Visit
Average Timeframe: 8 months
A review conducted by a team or two or more HLC peer reviewers that includes an on-site visit to the institution. The visit date is set for three months or more after the receipt of the change application. The peer review team may recommend that the change be approved, approved with modifications or denied. The team may also recommend monitoring.
Submitting Materials for a Change Visit
An institution may request that representatives from another accreditor or state agency be permitted to observe an HLC visit: Observation of HLC Visits by Recognized Accreditors or State Agencies
Embedded Change Visit
If an institution is applying for a change that requires a visit, it may request to embed the review of the change application into an upcoming comprehensive evaluation or other type of already scheduled visit. Such requests must be submitted at least six months before the visit date. HLC staff will determine whether to embed a Change Visit based on peer reviewer availability and the complexity of the scheduled visit, among other factors. HLC may not be able to accommodate all requests.
When the review of a change application is embedded into a previously scheduled visit, decision-making for the change application will occur in conjunction with the associated visit.
Change of Control Evaluation
An institution must receive HLC approval prior to undergoing a transaction that affects, or may affect, how corporate control, structure or governance occurs at the institution. Such change requests follow a separate process and require a different type of documentation and fee schedule than other change requests. See the Change of Control, Structure or Organization page for details.
Withdrawal of a Substantive Change Application
An institution may withdraw a substantive change application, except a Change of Control application, at any time before a Desk Review, Change Panel, or Change Visit occurs. To do so, an institution should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Once the review or visit begins, the application may not be withdrawn.
Institutions will not be charged a fee for withdrawn applications that would have been reviewed through a Desk Review or Change Panel.
If a withdrawn application was to be reviewed through a Change Visit, the institution will be charged a fee if the visit date was scheduled before the institution withdrew its application. The institution will also be charged for any expenses the peer review team incurred before the application was withdrawn (e.g., travel or hotel expenses).
An institution may withdraw a Change of Control application prior to final action. An institution should contact its HLC staff liaison for further information on withdrawing a Change of Control application. An institution may be responsible for fees incurred prior to withdrawal of the application.
Decision Making for Change Requests
Recommendations from Desk Reviews, Change Panels and Change Visits are forwarded to the Institutional Actions Council (IAC) for final action. Except for Desk Review recommendations for approval (which are sent directly to IAC), the institution is given an opportunity to review the recommendation and provide an institutional response prior to its consideration by IAC. If a change request is denied, an institution may choose to resubmit the change application, addressing issues raised by IAC, no sooner than six months after the decision.
HLC‘s Board of Trustees takes final action on requests for approval of a change in an institution's control, structure or organization. See the Change of Control, Structure or Organization page for details.
Follow-Up Reviews of Approved Off-Campus Activities
The opening of new branch campuses and additional locations involves additional follow-up monitoring from HLC. A peer review team will conduct an additional location confirmation visit to each of the first three active additional locations begun by an institution within six months of matriculation of students and the initiation of instruction at the location. A campus evaluation visit must be conducted at all new branch campuses within six months of matriculation of students and initiation of instruction. See Off-Campus Activities for details about these reviews.
Contact HLC at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Review HLC's Glossary for definitions of terms related to substantive change.