HLC News
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For media inquiries, contact Laura Janota, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Higher Learning Commission Launches Guidelines and Review Process for Reduced-Credit Bachelor’s Degrees
September 3, 2025—HLC has released guidelines and an application process that can pave the way for colleges and universities accredited by HLC to offer reduced-credit bachelor’s degree programs.
HLC's Credential Lab Receives $500,000 Grant for Innovation Center
February 26, 2024—HLC's Credential Lab, designed to create an approach for the quality assurance of organizations offering short-term certificates and credentials and to develop resources and training on best practices, was recently awarded a three-year, $500,000 grant from ECMC Foundation to extend this innovation-focused initiative.
HLC Launches new Credential Lab to Meet a Quality Assurance Need
September 18, 2023—HLC is launching an innovation-focused initiative, the Credential Lab, to help bring clarity to the chaos caused by the tidal wave of credentials available to learners and assure quality in this complex ecosystem.
Eight institutions accredited by HLC working to improve student learning through assessment
August 30, 2023—Teams from a variety of institutions in Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Ohio and Nebraska are the latest to graduate from HLC’s Assessment Academy, which has been a leader for nearly two decades in using assessment as a tool in bolstering student learning.
Federal Government Shutdown Could Affect Financial Aid
August 22, 2023—September 30 is the end of the fiscal year for the Federal government, which means authority to continue certain Federal spending expires at that time. If spending authority is not extended, it can cause a shutdown of a several Federal agencies and programs, including the vast majority of programs at the Department of Education. Legislation to allow for short-term funding past this date is sometimes possible, but not guaranteed. There is a strong likelihood that some agreements within Congress may not be realized, leading toward a shutdown. Institutions should be aware of and plan for the potential implications to their operations of a federal government shutdown as of September 30, or shortly thereafter.
With respect to federal financial aid, institutions should contact their Institutional Review Specialist (IRS) at Federal Student Aid with any questions.
HLC Joins #DoublePell
April 17, 2023—HLC joined the Double Pell Alliance, and is committed to doubling the maximum Pell Grant.
HLC Signs Letter to USDE Regarding Third-Party Servicers Guidance
March 29, 2023—HLC joined 80 higher ed community groups in sending comments to the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) on the guidance on third-party servicers (TPS) released last month, outlining the full range of problems the guidance presents for campuses and the students you serve.
CHEA Advisory Council Series: HLC
August 9, 2022—HLC President Barbara Gellman-Danley speaks on the accreditation process in an episode of the CHEA Advisory Council Series, a new podcast series by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
HLC Graduates First Institutions from Student Success Academy
April 25, 2022—Eighteen U.S. colleges and universities have completed the Higher Learning Commission’s newest program that provides guidance and a framework for improving student success.
HLC President Joins Board of NC-SARA and Chairs Board of Credential Engine
March 29, 2022—HLC President Barbara Gellman-Danley joins the Board of Directors for NC-SARA and becomes the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Credential Engine.
HLC Signs Letter Supporting Free and Open Academic Inquiry and Debate
March 3, 2022—HLC signed a statement from 93 organizations advocating that free and open academic inquiry and debate on campuses is essential to democracy and national well-being.
HLC to Provide Expertise for New Workforce Project
February 14, 2022—The Higher Learning Commission is partnering with other higher-education leaders on a three-year initiative funded by the ECMC Foundation that promises new pathways for community colleges and underserved students in achieving job success.
Barbara Gellman-Danley, HLC president, reinforces the value of this work. "HLC is very excited to be part of this initiative. The credential marketplace is growing exponentially, and clear pathways to the associate degree – and quality assurance of those pathways – are critical to both the students and the workforce."
HLC joins Shared Commitment to Civic Learning
September 28, 2021—HLC joined forces with higher education and student success organizations to announce a Shared Commitment to make “Democracy Learning a Top Priority for Postsecondary Education.”
“HLC strives to be a dynamic participant in the public dialog about civic engagement,” said HLC President Barbara Gellman-Danley. “We continue to partner with member institutions in our commitment to engage students in civic learning. It is an integral part of our strategic plan EVOLVE."
Visit CollegeCivicLearning.org
HLC Board Adds Two New Trustees, Names New Vice Chair
July 1, 2021—The Higher Learning Commission Board of Trustees recently added two new members, Joyce Ester, Ph.D., president of Normandale Community College and Katricia G. Pierson, Ph.D., president of East Central University. Their terms will begin on September 1. Trustees elected board member Jo Alice Blondin, Ph.D., Clark State College president, as vice chair of the board effective immediately. She will assume the position as chairperson of the HLC Board of Trustees for a two-year term beginning in 2022.
Joint Statement on Legislative Efforts to Restrict Education About Racism and American History
June 16, 2021—HLC has signed a joint statement regarding legislative efforts to restrict education about racism and American history. The statement provides 'firm opposition to a spate of legislative proposals being introduced across the country that target academic lessons, presentations, and discussions of racism and related issues in American history in schools, colleges and universities. These efforts have taken varied shape in at least 20 states, but often the legislation aims to prohibit or impede the teaching and education of students concerning what are termed “divisive concepts.”'
HLC Focuses New Lens on Differential Accreditation
March 17, 2021—HLC is launching a project to pilot differential accreditation by institutional sector. In developing this project, HLC recognizes the growing interest among some colleges and universities for quality indicators such as accreditation standards to be attentive to the interests, needs, aspirations and constraints of the sector in which an institution operates. The agency will look at performing more accreditation activities through multiple lenses.
Press Release on Differential Accreditation Project
HLC Moves to Considering Applications Across the United States
February 25, 2021—HLC the largest historically-regional accreditor, takes the first step toward considering applications from colleges and universities across the United States. Today the HLC Board of Trustees initially approved changes to its Bylaws and policies to expand its geographic area for accreditation to include the entire United States.
Press Release on HLC's Geographic Scope
HLC Signs Letter Supporting International Students
February 23, 2021—HLC signed a letter from the American Council on Education (ACE) to Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas in support of international college students and their enrollment, visa status, training, and employment in the United States.
HLC Signs Letter to Congress for COVID Relief
December 3, 2021—HLC joined numerous higher education organizations in a letter to Congress requesting COVID Relief. "The situation currently facing America’s colleges and universities is a crisis of almost unimaginable magnitude. Colleges and universities have already pushed their financial capacities to the limits in addressing this crisis. ... The current situation is unsustainable for an extended period and at this point there are simply no other sufficient options for institutions beyond meaningful federal assistance."
New Federal Regulations for Accreditors
July 15, 2020—In accordance with the Higher Education Act, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) published new regulations on November 1, 2019, that became effective on July 1, 2020. These regulations include both policy-related and procedural mandates for accreditors. To maintain recognition by the USDE, HLC is required to change a number of policies to align with the new regulations. In addition to mandates, there are many regulatory options in the revised federal regulations that present new opportunities for each accreditors’ consideration. HLC is independently studying the implications of these regulatory options to determine what changes, if any, it will make to its related policies and procedures.
HLC Endorses Statements on Transfer of Credit
May 15, 2020—HLC has endorsed the following statements that offer guidance for institutions on the transfer and award of credit:
- Statement of Principles on Acceptance of Credit: This statement describes eight principles for managing and evaluating academic credit and assessing student transcripts impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. It was issued by the American Association of Community Colleges, Association of American Universities, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, American Council on Education, and National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities.
- Joint Statement on the Transfer and Award of Credit: This statement offers guidelines and considerations for the development of credit transfer policies. It was issued by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, American Council on Education, and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
HLC Begins Work on Quality Awareness Initiatives to Inform Learners to be Successful Consumers of Higher Education
August 28, 2019—HLC has secured funding to explore new quality assurance approaches that better account for the diversity of educational intentions of today's students. The 16-month program, set to begin this fall, is funded by a $500,000 grant by Lumina Foundation.