Use of HLC Logos and Images
The Higher Learning Commission logos, including the leaf, are reserved for HLC-produced materials. HLC logos and images are not to be used on materials or websites presented by member institutions. This includes prohibition of the logo use in social media posts, email signatures and other digital reproductions not originating from HLC.
HLC’s Mark of Accreditation Status is available for institutions to identify their status with HLC on their websites.
When producing catalogs, brochures, advertisements and other promotional material, institutions are encouraged to use this statement:
[Institution Name] is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
For accredited institutions, status should be stated as: Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
For candidate institutions, status should be stated as: Candidate for accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission.
When an institution reports an HLC action regarding reaffirmation of accreditation, it may state that its accredited status has been continued. If it wishes to disclose additional information, such as the scheduled year of the next comprehensive evaluation, it should also disclose other details, including any interim reports or monitoring required as part of the action. Phrases such as “accreditation has been continued for a 10-year period” should never be used. Accredited status is not for a specific period of time, but is a continuing relationship between the institution and HLC that is subject to reconsideration periodically or when necessary.
Mark of Accreditation Status
As part of HLC’s Obligations of Membership, each institution is required to display HLC’s Mark of Accreditation Status on its website through coding supplied by HLC.
The Mark of Accreditation Status reflects the institution’s current accreditation status and links visitors to the institution’s Statement of Accreditation Status on HLC’s website. An institution’s domain name must be registered with HLC to enable the Mark of Accreditation Status to display correctly. Institutions are limited to one domain name in HLC’s approved database; however, the mark may appear on more than one page under that domain name.
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to obtain the Mark of Accreditation Status guidelines and coding or to change an institution’s approved domain.