Standard Pathway Overview
The Standard Pathway is one of two options institutions have for maintaining accreditation with HLC. It follows a 10-year cycle and, like the Open Pathway, is focused on quality assurance and institutional improvement. These improvement topics are integrated into comprehensive evaluations conducted during the cycle, as well as through interim monitoring, as required.
Note: HLC provides additional support for institutions on the Standard Pathway.
All institutions eligible to choose a pathway may participate in the Standard Pathway. Institutions may also be placed on the Standard Pathway if they meet certain conditions at the time of pathway determination.
Pathways and Related Process Requirements—INST.C.10.005
Substantive Requirements for Reaffirmation of Accreditation—INST.C.10.010
Evaluative Activities Applicable to All Institutions—INST.C.10.040
The Standard Pathway’s 10-year cycle includes the following institutional reviews:
Regular Monitoring
Institutions submit an annual Institutional Update, which is reviewed by HLC to monitor organizational health, comply with certain federal requirements and identify any changes that may require HLC follow up. HLC will also apply change processes as appropriate to planned institutional developments, and will monitor institutions through reports, visits and other means as it deems appropriate.
Year 4: Comprehensive Evaluation
Institutions undergo a comprehensive evaluation to ensure they are meeting the Criteria for Accreditation and pursuing institutional improvement. A Year 4 evaluation may include a determination that interim monitoring is necessary.
Note: Beginning September 1, 2019, most Year 4 comprehensive evaluations will no longer include a review of Federal Compliance Requirements. This review will only take place for evaluations involving Reaffirmation of Accreditation.
Institutions undergoing a first comprehensive evaluation following granting of initial accreditation or removal of Probation or a Show-Cause Order will be considered for Reaffirmation of Accreditation as part of the Year 4 comprehensive evaluation. If reaffirmation is granted, the institution moves to Year 5 of the Standard Pathway cycle.
Year 10: Comprehensive Evaluation for Reaffirmation
The second comprehensive evaluation conducted in the Standard Pathway cycle follows the same process as the evaluation conducted in Year 4, with the addition of a Federal Compliance Review. The Year 10 evaluation leads to an action regarding the reaffirmation of the institution’s accreditation.