In-Process and Upcoming Reviews
In the In-Process and Upcoming Reviews section, Accreditation Liaison Officers and Chief Executive Officers can track their institution’s submitted substantive change applications and view other in-process and upcoming reviews.
Accessing In-Process and Upcoming Reviews
In the main menu, click “Institution” and then select “In-Process and Upcoming Reviews.”

The first section displays the status of your institution’s pending substantive change applications. You can view the date the application is received, review type, and the date the recommendation was sent to your institution. Once applications have a final decision, they will be removed from this section and will appear in Accreditation History.
You can also search and view other in-process and upcoming reviews by process, event type, or status.

Please note that certificate program applications and other substantive change screening forms are processed separately.
If you have any questions about submitted applications, please contact [email protected].
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