Assuring quality for students.

Accreditation Actions

To be transparent to students and other stakeholders, HLC publishes information regarding actions our decision-making bodies and staff take on institutional evaluations, requests from institutions for approval of substantive changes, and other aspects of the accreditation relationship.

Accreditation Actions

HLC posts all institutional actions within 30 days after the action is taken. If HLC’s Board of Trustees denies or withdraws an institution’s candidacy or accreditation, places an institution on sanction, or issues a Show-Cause Order, HLC posts that information in the Directory of Institutions within one day after notifying the institution.

Actions are published on the pages below and/or on the institution’s Statement of Accreditation Status in the HLC Directory of Institutions.

Actions by Academic Year

Public Disclosure Notices

HLC publishes a Public Disclosure Notice (PDN) when:

The PDN includes a history of the institution’s relationship with HLC, the nature of the action, and a brief analysis of the situation that prompted the action, as well as next steps in review and correction, if applicable.

Current Public Disclosure Notices








South Dakota

West Virginia
