This glossary offers definitions for words and phrases used in HLC’s policies, procedures and communications.
- academic program
Synonymous with HLC’s use of the term “educational program.”
- Accelerated Process for Initial Accreditation
One of the processes for seeking accreditation with HLC. To be eligible for the Accelerated Process for Initial Accreditation, an institution must meet certain requirements, including being currently accredited by a historically regional accrediting agency or a state entity recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as an institutional accreditor of degree-granting institutions of higher education.
- accreditation agency
A nongovernmental body established to administer accrediting procedures.
- Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO)
The individual appointed by the institution’s CEO to serve as the primary contact between the institution and HLC. The ALO communicates changes at the institution to HLC, responds to communications from HLC, and provides oversight for the currency, accuracy and timeliness of institutional information submitted to HLC, including the Institutional Update.
- accreditation, institutional
Accreditation that evaluates an entire educational institution and accredits it as a whole.
- accreditation, specialized (also called programmatic accreditation)
Accreditation of units, schools or programs within a larger educational institution or for the sole program or area of concentration of an independent, specialized institution.
- accredited institution
An institution accredited by HLC.
- accredited status
Status that indicates an institution is accredited by HLC.
- Action Letter
Official correspondence from HLC to an institution detailing an action taken by one of HLC’s decision-making bodies regarding that institution.
- additional location (Based on federal definition)
A physical facility that is geographically separate from the main campus of an institution, where instruction takes place and it is possible for students to do one or more of the following:
- Complete 50% or more of the courses in educational programs leading to a degree, certificate or other recognized educational credential.
- Complete 50% or more of a degree completion program (even if the degree completion program provides less than 50% of the courses leading to the degree).
Per the federal definition, an additional location must be within the same ownership structure of the institution. An additional location may be at a facility that the institution does not own, such as an office building, high school, or on the campus of another institution.
An additional location may qualify as a branch campus under circumstances that meet the definition of a branch campus.
There is no threshold number of students necessary for a facility to qualify as an additional location.
There is no minimum distance from the campus necessary for a facility to qualify as an additional location.
An additional location typically does not have a full range of administrative and student services staffed by the facility’s personnel. Such services may be provided from the main campus or another campus.
A facility may provide access to instruction requiring students to be present at a physical location that receives interactive TV, video or online teaching. It is an additional location when 50% or more of a distance delivery program is available through one or more of these modalities at that facility. Note: This requirement does not apply for locations in which there is a general computer lab that students might use for distance delivery courses, except for additional locations that are correctional facilities.
A correctional facility where instruction takes place according to any of the 50% thresholds identified above is an additional location even if such instruction takes place primarily through distance education or correspondence courses at that location.
An additional location may have the status of open or closed.
An additional location that is open may have the status of active or inactive. An additional location has active status when students are enrolled at the location. Its status is inactive when students are not enrolled at the location. The status of an additional location can change between active and inactive without approval from HLC. However, a location may only be classified as inactive with no student enrollment at the location for a maximum of two consecutive years. At that point, HLC requires the institution to close the location.
- additional location confirmation visit
A visit to an institution’s new additional location to confirm it is operating as described in the institution’s original substantive change request.
- administrative record
A record of documents related to an institution’s accreditation relationship with HLC. HLC maintains an administrative record for each member institution, institution that was previously a member, and institution that is, or was, seeking membership. The administrative record includes:
- Narrative and related documentary materials submitted by an institution as part of an evaluation process. This could include, for example, the Institutional Update, a substantive change application, an Assurance Argument, or an institutional response.
- Materials prepared by HLC as part of an evaluation process. This could include, for example, a final team report, an Institutional Actions Council report, or a desk review.
- Action letters and other official correspondence related to evaluation activity. This could include, for example, an action letter indicating action taken by the Board of Trustees, an action letter indicating action taken by the Institutional Actions Council, a letter imposing a designation, or a letter transmitting a team report.
At HLC’s discretion, additional documents may also be included in the administrative record. This could include, for example, correspondence from other accreditors or governmental entities regarding the institution, or other correspondence with the institution.
- adverse action
An action by HLC’s Board of Trustees that withdraws or denies accreditation or candidacy.
- advisory visit
In response to rapidly changing dynamics at an institution, HLC may send a team of peer reviewers to visit the institution. HLC determines the scope of the team’s inquiry and informs the institution.
- Appeal Panel
A group of five individuals selected from the Appeals Body by HLC’s president that hears an institution’s appeal to an adverse action by the Board of Trustees.
- Appeals Body
A group of 15 individuals appointed by the Board of Trustees to hear institutional appeals to adverse actions by the Board of Trustees. One of HLC’s decision-making bodies.
- Assumed Practices
A set of practices shared by institutions of higher education that is unlikely to vary by institutional mission or context. Institutions must meet the Assumed Practices to obtain accreditation with HLC.
- Assurance Argument
A narrative in which the institution explains how it meets HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation, which is supported by linked documents in the Evidence File.
- Assurance Filing
Created and submitted by the institution, the Assurance Filing includes the Assurance Argument with embedded links to documents in the Evidence File.
- Assurance Review
The peer review evaluation of the Assurance Filing.
- Assurance System
An online system used by institutions to provide an Assurance Argument and evidentiary materials and used by peer reviewers to complete the Assurance Review.
A determination by the institution in collaboration with the oversight entity for a prison education program that the program is operating in the best interest of students, as defined in 34 CFR 668.241. Within two years of an institution initiating a Pell-eligible prison education program, HLC will examine the institution’s documentation describing the methodology by which such determination was made.
- Board of Trustees
The governing body of HLC, made up of 16 to 21 representatives from HLC member institutions and the public. One of HLC’s decision-making bodies.
- branch campus (Based on federal definition)
A physical facility that is geographically separate from and independent of the main campus of the institution. HLC considers a location of an institution to be independent of the main campus if it has all four of the following attributes:
- It is permanent in nature.
- It offers courses in educational programs leading to a degree, certificate or other recognized educational credential.
- It has its own faculty and administrative or supervisory organization.
- It has its own budgetary and hiring authority.
Per the federal definition, a branch campus must be within the same ownership structure of the institution. A branch campus may be at a facility that the institution does not own.
- campus evaluation visit
A visit to a new main campus or branch campus after the campus has been approved by HLC and within six months of matriculation to assure the quality of the campus and its programs in meeting the needs of the institution’s constituencies and to assure the capacity to sustain that quality.
- candidacy
Pre-accreditation status offering membership with HLC.
- Candidacy Program
The steps an institution must follow to gain candidacy and then accreditation with HLC.
- candidate institution
An institution that holds candidacy status with HLC.
- Change of Control, Structure or Organization
A transaction that affects, or may affect, corporate control, structure or governance at an accredited or candidate institution.
- Change Panel
A panel of two or more peer reviewers that evaluates a substantive change application submitted by an institution.
- Change Visit
An on-site visit by a peer review team in response to one or more substantive change applications submitted by an institution.
- comprehensive evaluation
The process used to determine whether an institution meets or continues to meet the Criteria for Accreditation. The comprehensive evaluation includes an Assurance Review, an on-site visit and a student survey. Comprehensive evaluations for candidacy, initial accreditation and Reaffirmation of Accreditation also include a Federal Compliance Review and, if applicable, a multi-campus visit.
- contractual arrangement
An arrangement in which the institution outsources some portion of its educational programs—that is, degrees or certificates offered for academic credit (including instruction, oversight of the curriculum, assurance of the consistency in the level and quality of instruction and in expectations of student performance and/or the establishment of the academic qualifications for instructional personnel)—to:
- An unaccredited institution.
- An institution that is not accredited by an accreditor recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
- A corporation or other entity.
- Core Components
Subcategories of each Criterion for Accreditation that are reviewed in order to determine whether an institution meets each Criterion.
- correctional facility
A federal, state or local penitentiary, prison, jail, reformatory, work farm, juvenile justice facility or other similar correctional institution.
- correspondence education course (Based on federal definition)
A course provided by an institution under which the institution provides instructional materials, by mail or electronic transmission, including examinations on the materials, to students who are separated from the instructors. Interaction between instructors and students in a correspondence course is limited, not regular and substantive, and is primarily initiated by the students. If a course is part correspondence and part residential training, it is considered a correspondence education course. A correspondence education course is not distance education.
- correspondence education program
An academic program in which 50% or more of the required courses may be taken as correspondence education courses.
- course location
A physical facility that is geographically separate from the main campus of an institution and within the same ownership structure of the institution, where instruction takes place and where it is not possible for students to do either of the following:
- Complete 50% or more of the courses in educational programs leading to a degree, certificate or other recognized educational credential.
- Complete 50% or more of a degree completion program.
A course location may be at a facility that the institution does not own, such as an office building, high school, or on the campus of another institution.
- Criteria for Accreditation
The framework for determining an institution’s accreditation.
- Data Update Coordinator
The individual appointed by the institution’s CEO to be responsible for the accuracy and completion of the Institutional Update. The coordinator serves as the contact between the institution and HLC regarding the Institutional Update and is responsible for the timely submission of the Institutional Update.
- day
Used in HLC policy and procedure to refer to one calendar day, unless otherwise specified.
- Desk Review
An evaluation conducted by an HLC official of a substantive change requested by the institution.
- distance education (Based on federal definition)
Education that uses one or more of the technologies below to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor or instructors and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor or instructors, either synchronously or asynchronously.
The technologies that may be used to offer distance education include:
- The internet;
- One-way and two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite or wireless communications devices;
- Audio conference; or
- Other media used in a course in conjunction with any of the technologies listed in items 1–3 above.
For purposes of this definition, an instructor is an individual responsible for delivering course content and who meets the qualifications for instruction established by HLC.
- distance education course
A course in which at least 75% of the instruction and interaction occurs using one or more of the technologies listed in the definition of distance education, with the faculty and students physically separated from each other.
- distance education program
A certificate or degree program in which 50% or more of the courses may be taken as distance education courses.
- dual credit courses
Courses taught to high school students for which the students receive both high school credit and college credit.
- educational offering
Synonymous with HLC’s use of the term “educational program.”
- educational program (Same as federal definition)
- A legally authorized postsecondary program of organized instruction or study that:
- Leads to an academic, professional, or vocational degree, or certificate, or other recognized educational credential, or is a comprehensive transition and postsecondary program, as described in 34 CFR part 668, subpart O; and
- May, in lieu of credit hours or clock hours as a measure of student learning, utilize direct assessment of student learning, or recognize the direct assessment of student learning by others, if such assessment is consistent with the accreditation of the institution or program utilizing the results of the assessment and with the provisions of 34 CFR § 668.10.
- HLC does not consider that an institution provides an educational program if the institution does not provide instruction itself (including a course of independent study) but merely gives credit for one or more of the following: Instruction provided by other institutions or schools; examinations or direct assessments provided by agencies or organizations; or other accomplishments such as “life experience.”
“Educational program” is synonymous with HLC’s use of the terms “academic offering(s),” “academic program(s)” and “educational offering(s).”
- A legally authorized postsecondary program of organized instruction or study that:
- Eligibility Filing
Documentation submitted by an institution considering membership with HLC through the Eligibility Process that demonstrates its compliance with the Eligibility Requirements.
- Eligibility Process
As one of the processes for seeking accreditation with HLC, the process by which HLC determines whether a non-member institution is ready to begin the Candidacy Program.
- Eligibility Requirements
A set of requirements an institution must meet before it is granted candidacy and/or initial accreditation.
- Evidence File
Documents that an institution provides in its Assurance Filing to support the claims and arguments made in the institution’s Assurance Argument.
- exit session
A meeting between the peer review team and the CEO of the institution at the conclusion of a visit.
- Federal Compliance Requirements
Requirements that HLC is obliged to enforce as part of its recognition by the U.S. Department of Education.
- financial indicators
Financial data provided by an institution through the Institutional Update that allow HLC to determine if the institution is operating with integrity in its financial functions.
- focused visit
A team visit that occurs between comprehensive evaluations to examine specific aspects of an institution as a form of monitoring.
- Heightened Cash Monitoring 2 (HCM2)
A payment method used by the U.S. Department of Education’s office of Federal Student Aid to disburse Title IV financial aid funds to institutions. An institution placed on the HCM2 payment method disburses funds to students from institutional funds and submits a request for reimbursement to FSA. FSA reviews a sample of disbursements prior to disbursing funds. See 34 CFR 668.162 for more information.
- Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
An institutional accreditor recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. HLC accredits degree-granting institutions of higher education in the United States.
- HLC staff liaison
An HLC Vice President of Accreditation Relations who serves as a member institution’s primary contact, advises the institution about HLC’s policies and procedures and helps to coordinate the peer review and decision-making processes.
- Initial Accreditation
An action by HLC’s Board of Trustees confirming that an institution meets all of the requirements necessary to be granted accreditation.
- Institution Event Summary
A document created prior to each evaluation that includes contact information for the institution and peer review team members and other information pertinent to the evaluation.
- Institutional Actions Council (IAC)
A group of experienced peer reviewers and representatives of the public appointed by HLC’s Board of Trustees and authorized to take action on, or make recommendations regarding, certain types of institutional reviews. One of HLC’s decision-making bodies.
- institutional response
An institution’s written response to a recommendation from a peer review team, HLC staff member, or Institutional Actions Council committee.
- Institutional Status and Requirements (ISR) Report
A resource available to an institution’s CEO or Accreditation Liaison Officer that includes the complete institutional history with HLC, information on the status of current and upcoming accreditation events, and information on the institution’s designated pathway and related events.
- Institutional Update
An online report completed annually by member institutions regarding institutional health.
- interim report
A report filed by an institution to provide updates to HLC on progress in addressing a serious issue at the institution, the resolution of which is relevant to the institution’s future compliance with, or improvement regarding, HLC requirements.
- large institution
An institution with 1,000 students or more.
- Location Coordinator
The individual appointed by the institution’s CEO to be responsible for maintaining the institution’s additional location and campus records in HLC’s online Canopy system. (Note: Institutions are not required to appoint a Location Coordinator; the ALO and CEO may also manage these records in Canopy.)
- main campus (Based on federal definition)
The primary physical facility of the institution at which, to the extent applicable, the institution offers educational programs.
Per the federal definition, the main campus must be within the same ownership structure of the institution. The main campus may be at a facility that the institution does not own.
- maintain accreditation
Actively participate, as an institution, in HLC’s accreditation processes to ensure the institution meets the Criteria for Accreditation and other HLC requirements.
- Mark of Accreditation Status
An image that reflects an institution’s current accreditation status and links to the institution’s Statement of Accreditation Status on HLC’s website. Each member institution is required to display the Mark on its website.
- monitoring
A member institution may be subject to providing HLC updates for evaluation as part of its ongoing accreditation relationship. Monitoring consists of reviewing an institution’s progress in addressing an issue that is relevant to the institution’s compliance with, or improvement regarding, HLC requirements. HLC has two kinds of monitoring: routine and special.
- multi-campus visit
A visit to a selection of an institution’s branch campuses that occurs as part of comprehensive evaluations for Candidacy, Initial Accreditation, and Reaffirmation of Accreditation.
- multi-location visit
A visit to a selection of additional locations of an institution with three or more active additional locations, occurring once every five years.
- non-financial indicators
Data provided by an institution through the Institutional Update that help HLC determine if the institution may be at risk of not meeting components of the Criteria for Accreditation.
- Notice
A sanction signifying that, based on an overall judgment, the institution is at risk of being out of compliance with the Criteria for Accreditation. An institution remains accredited while on Notice.
- Notification Program for Additional Locations
A program for qualified institutions to open new additional locations after notifying HLC prior to initiating any new additional locations and receiving an acknowledgment that HLC has added the new additional location to its database.
- Obligations of Membership
The responsibilities that HLC member institutions are required to fulfill in order to maintain their membership.
- official action
An official HLC decision made by HLC staff, the Institutional Actions Council or HLC’s Board of Trustees.
- Open Pathway
A pathway for maintaining accreditation with HLC that features a 10-year reaffirmation cycle where quality assurance and quality improvement are addressed separately.
The entity responsible for overseeing a correctional facility at which a Pell-eligible prison education program is offered. The oversight entity would either be the Federal Bureau of Prisons or the appropriate state department of corrections or other entity that is responsible for overseeing correctional facilities.
- Peer Corps
The group of faculty, administrators and public members from within HLC’s membership who evaluate whether institutions are meeting the Criteria for Accreditation and participate in HLC decision-making bodies.
- peer review team
A group of peer reviewers conducting an evaluation on behalf of HLC.
- peer reviewer
A member of HLC’s volunteer Peer Corps.
- Pell-eligible prison education program (also referred to as PEP)
A prison education program that meets all the requirements articulated in 34 CFR 668.236 for students enrolled in the program to be eligible to receive Pell Grants.
- personally identifiable information (PII)
Information about an individual that allows the individual to be specifically identified. PII includes, but is not limited to: name, address, telephone number, birthday, email, Social Security number, bank information, etc.
- preliminary peer review
An evaluation by a peer review team of an institution in the Accelerated Process for Initial Accreditation. Determines whether the institution may proceed to a comprehensive evaluation for Initial Accreditation.
- Primary Assurance System Coordinator
The individual appointed by the institution’s CEO to be responsible for the development and submission of institutional materials for evaluations conducted in HLC’s online Assurance System.
- Probation
A sanction signifying that an institution no longer meets one or more of the Criteria for Accreditation. An institution remains accredited while on Probation.
- program content changes
Changes to a program’s curriculum (measured by clock or credit hours), learning objectives, competencies or required clinical experiences. This would include changes in the general education courses required for program completion and not merely the courses within the discipline, program or major.
- provisional certification
A status assigned to an institution by the U.S. Department of Education’s office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) that is related to the institution’s eligibility to participate in Title IV financial aid programs. See 34 CFR 668.13(c) for more information.
- Provisional Plan
A plan that details the arrangements an institution makes for students when it intends to cease operating as an educational institution or when it undergoes other circumstances that require a Teach-Out Agreement. Whether the institution is closing entirely or closing campus(es) or additional location(s), if it has students pursuing academic programs who will not conclude their programs prior to the closure date, then the Provisional Plan will need to include arrangements for teaching out of those students so that they can complete their academic programs. If the institution is prepared to stay open or keep the branch campus(es) or additional location(s) open and if it will continue to have sufficient resources, it may teach out those students that are within one year of graduation and assist other students in transferring to other institutions. If it does not have sufficient resources to accommodate current students through graduation or transfer, it must enlist the assistance of one or more other accredited institutions to serve as a teach-out receiving institution through a Teach-Out Agreement. See also teach-out plan.
- Public Disclosure Notice (PDN)
A document issued by HLC when it imposes or removes a sanction or Show-Cause Order, assigns an institutional designation, denies an application for Change of Control, Structure or Organization, or takes an adverse action on an institution, including withdrawal of accreditation. A PDN is also posted when an institution voluntarily resigns its accreditation or candidacy with HLC. The PDN includes a history of the institution’s relationship with HLC, the nature of the action, and a brief analysis of the situation that prompted the action, as well as next steps in review and correction, if applicable. HLC may also, in its discretion, issue a public statement regarding an institution.
- public statement
A document issued by HLC, in its discretion, regarding an institution. This could include, for example, to correct or confirm a media report, to respond to frequent inquiries from the public, to inform the public about a lawsuit, investigation or advisory visit, to inform the public of an application for Change of Control, Structure or Organization that has been approved, or to address other matters as determined appropriate by HLC.
- Quality Initiative
A major quality improvement effort conducted by institutions between Years 5 and 9 of the Open Pathway that addresses a current concern or aspiration specific to the institution.
- Quality Initiative Proposal
A proposal submitted by an institution on the Open Pathway explaining the major improvement effort the institution will undertake as its Quality Initiative.
- Quality Initiative Report
A report submitted by an institution on the Open Pathway upon completing its Quality Initiative that reflects on accomplishments, documents achievements and strategies, and defines new priorities and challenges.
- Reaffirmation of Accreditation
An action by an HLC decision-making body confirming, based on evaluation, that an institution may retain its HLC accreditation. Among other reasons, an institution that has lost legal authority to operate as an institution of higher education cannot be reaffirmed.
- recognized accreditor
An accreditor recognized by either the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
- regular and substantive interaction (Based on federal definition)
Institutions are expected to ensure regular and substantive interaction between students and instructors in their distance education and competency-based education offerings. An institution ensures regular interaction between a student and an instructor or instructors by, prior to the student’s completion of a course or competency:
- Providing the opportunity for substantive interactions with the student on a predictable and scheduled basis commensurate with the length of time and the amount of content in the course or competency; and
- Monitoring the student’s academic engagement and success and ensuring that an instructor is responsible for promptly and proactively engaging in substantive interaction with the student when needed on the basis of such monitoring, or upon request by the student.
Substantive interaction is engaging students in teaching, learning and assessment, consistent with the content under discussion, and also includes at least two of the following:
- Providing direct instruction;
- Assessing or providing feedback on a student’s coursework;
- Providing information or responding to questions about the content of a course or competency;
- Facilitating a group discussion regarding the content of a course or competency; or
- Other instructional activities approved by HLC or the program’s accrediting agency.
- Reimbursement Payment Method
A payment method used by the U.S. Department of Education’s office of Federal Student Aid to disburse Title IV financial aid funds to institutions. An institution placed on the Reimbursement Payment Method disburses funds to students from institutional funds and submits a request for reimbursement to FSA. FSA reviews all disbursements prior to disbursing funds. See 34 CFR 668.162 for more information.
An entity that has 50% or more ownership interest in the accredited entity or has 50% or more voting interest in the accredited entity’s board.
- Show-Cause Order
An order by HLC’s Board of Trustees requiring an institution to show cause as to why its accredited status should not be removed. An institution remains accredited while under a Show-Cause Order.
- significant enrollment decrease
A three-year decrease of 80% or more in enrollment for small institutions or 40% or more for large institutions.
- significant enrollment growth
A three-year increase of 80% or more in enrollment for small institutions or 40% or more for large institutions.
- small institution
An institution with fewer than 1,000 students.
- Standard Pathway
A pathway for maintaining accreditation with HLC that features a 10-year reaffirmation cycle where quality assurance and quality improvement are integrated for comprehensive evaluations.
- Statement of Accreditation Status (SAS)
A public summary of the relationship between a current or former member institution and HLC.
- stipulations
Statements that describe certain aspects of an institution’s accreditation relationship with HLC, including approvals and/or limitations placed by HLC on an institution’s development of new activities or programs.
- student achievement
See “student success outcomes.”
- student opinion survey
An online survey conducted by HLC as part of comprehensive evaluations. The opinions and data gathered assist peer reviewers in developing questions for their meetings during the on-site visit.
- student success outcomes
Metrics demonstrating the rate at which an institution’s students achieve or mark progress toward completion, educational intent or other goals that are relevant to the institution’s mission. These measures must include, at a minimum, measures related to aspects of student achievement, such as retention, completion, required state licensure exam pass data, and data about the institution’s students after transfer or graduation (such as continuing education, job placement rates, and earnings). “Student achievement” is a term used by the U.S. Department of Education and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Institutions may also identify other student success outcomes relevant to their mission, such as outcomes related to student intent, civic engagement, quality of life or other topics.
- teach out/teach-out arrangement (Same as federal definition)
A process during which a program, institution or institutional location that provides 100% of at least one program engages in an orderly closure or when, following the closure of an institution or campus, another institution provides an opportunity for the students of the closed school to complete their program, regardless of their academic progress at the time of closure.
- Teach-Out Agreement (Based on federal definition)
A written agreement between institutions that provides for the equitable treatment of students and a reasonable opportunity for students to complete their program of study if an institution, or an institutional location that provides 100% of at least one program offered, ceases to operate or plans to cease operations before all enrolled students have completed their program of study. May also refer to written agreements made between an institution subject to teach-out requirements and each institution identified in the Provisional Plan as a teach-out receiving institution. The Teach-Out Agreement is a formal, legal agreement with the teach-out receiving institution.
- teach-out plan (Same as federal definition)
A written plan developed by an institution that provides for the equitable treatment of students if an institution, or an institutional location that provides 100% of at least one program, ceases to operate or plans to cease operations before all enrolled students have completed their program of study. Synonymous with HLC’s use of the term “Provisional Plan.”
- teach-out receiving institution
An institutional signatory to a teach-out agreement with an institution required to submit a Provisional Plan. The teach-out receiving institution agrees, at a minimum, by virtue of its participation in the teach out to accept all the credits earned by students affected by the closure, to count those credits toward a reasonably similar certificate or degree from their institution, and to award a certificate or degree to the students participating in the teach out in approximately the same amount of time the students would have needed to complete their studies.
- team chair
The leader of a peer review team who manages team responsibilities and deadlines, facilitates communication with the institution, and supervises the development of the final report
- team report
A report submitted by the peer review team to HLC documenting its findings and recommendation following an evaluation.
Criteria for Accreditation
The following definitions explain how these terms are used within the Criteria for Accreditation. HLC’s intent is not to prescribe how institutions must use a particular word or phrase locally, but rather to offer a means to ensure a consistent reading of the meaning and expectations of the Criteria. This glossary is not part of the Criteria policy and will be updated as needed to respond to questions and feedback from institutions and peer reviewers.
- academic freedom (2.D.)
The ability to engage differences of opinion, evaluate evidence and form one’s own grounded judgments about the relative value of competing perspectives. This definition implies not just freedom from constraint but also freedom for faculty, staff and students to work within a scholarly community to develop intellectual and personal qualities.
- academic offerings
Synonymous with HLC’s use of the term “educational program.”
- appropriate to higher education (3.A.)
Curricular and cocurricular programming of the quality and rigor for the degree level that prepares students to think critically and function successfully. It is distinctly different from K-12 education.
- autonomous (2.C.)
The institution’s governing board acts independently of any other entity in determining the course of direction and policies for the institution.
- auxiliary (2.A.)
Activities and services related to, but not intrinsic to, educational functions: dining services, student housing, faculty or staff housing, intercollegiate athletics, student stores, a Public Radio station, etc. In many institutions, “auxiliary” simultaneously denotes a segregated budget and dedicated revenues.
- capacity (1.A., 5.C.)
An institution’s ability to effectively deliver its educational offerings. Determining capacity refers to an institution’s demonstrable ability to establish and maintain academic quality. Indicators of sufficient capacity may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Financial resources to support academic offerings at start-up and in the future.
- Evidence of planning that allocates necessary resources and shows ongoing development.
- Alignment of academic offerings with the institution’s mission and evidence of the institution’s long-term commitment.
- Evidence of new or revised policies and procedures that demonstrate commitment and sustainability.
- Qualified faculty and staff to serve students.
- Learning environments (whether classrooms, laboratories, studios or online infrastructure) with technological resources and equipment.
- Print and electronic media and support for the access and use of the technological resources across modalities.
- civic engagement (1.C.)
Community service or any number of other efforts (by individuals or groups) intended to address issues of public or community concern.
- cocurricular (3.C., 4.B.)
Learning activities, programs and experiences that reinforce the institution’s mission and values and complement the formal curriculum. Examples: Study abroad, student-faculty research experiences, service learning, professional clubs or organizations, athletics, honor societies, career services, etc.
- consortial arrangement (3.A., 3.C.)
An arrangement in which an HLC-accredited institution develops an agreement with an institution or group of institutions, all of which are accredited by accreditors recognized by the U.S. Department of Education—that is, the consortial party(ies)—through which the consortial party(ies) agrees to provide some portion of one or more educational programs (i.e., degrees or certificates offered for academic credit) offered by the HLC-accredited institution.
- control (2.B.)
The entity that is responsible for the fiscal and operational oversight of an institution and its programs. Control also includes the structure and organizational arrangements of an institution. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
- The state board or agency that oversees a public university.
- The board of trustees that oversees a private, nonprofit college.
- The parent corporation of a private, for-profit college.
- The public board authorized by Congress to oversee an institution under federal control.
- Religious bodies and tribal councils.
- dual credit (3.C., 4.A.)
Courses taught to high school students for which the students receive both high school credit and college credit. These courses or programs are offered under a variety of names; the Core Components that refer to “dual credit” apply to all of them as they involve the accredited institution’s responsibility for the quality of its offerings.
- good practice (4.B., 4.C.)
Practice that is based in the use of processes, methods and measures that have been determined to be successful by empirical research, professional organizations and/or institutional peers.
- informed citizenship (1.C.)
Having sufficient and reliable information about issues of public concern and having the knowledge and skills to make reasonable judgments and decisions about them.
- operational staff (5.B.)
Personnel who support the academic enterprise, such as those who may work in the areas of finance, human resources, facilities, dining/catering, information technology, planning, security, student services, academic support, etc.
- public (1.A.)
In phrases such as “makes available to the public” or “states publicly,” this refers to people in general, including current and potential students. In phrases such as “the public good,” the Criteria refer to public, as opposed to private, good.
- public information (1.A.)
Information on websites or other materials that are available freely to the public, without individuals having to specifically request access to them.
- student outcomes (5.C.)
Education-specific results to measure against the objectives or standards for the educational offerings. Examples could be results from licensure or standardized exams, course and program persistence, graduation rates and workforce data.
- superordinate entity (1.B.)
An entity situated hierarchically above the institution, which includes but is not limited to state boards, private owners, corporate parents, Tribal councils or religious denominations.
- undue influence (2.C.)
Overreach, suspicious transactions and relationships that are exclusive (without oversight) that could yield influence over the institution’s governing board.
- wherever and however delivered (Criterion 3, 5.B.)
All modes of delivery of academic offerings and all locations, modalities and venues, including but not limited to the main campus, additional locations, distance delivery, dual credit and contractual or consortial arrangements.
- Academies
Multi-year, mentor-facilitated programs that help HLC-accredited institutions define, develop and implement comprehensive strategies for improvement.
- Academy cohort
A group of Academy institutions that complete the Academy together, including attending the same events.
- Academy Roundtable
A multi-day event at which Academy teams conduct focused, guided work on their strategic Academy goals.
- Academy team
Faculty, staff and administrators from an institution who are the main participants in the Academy.
- Academy Team Lead
A member of the Academy team who serves as the main point of contact for HLC staff members, Mentor and Scholar.
- Assessment Academy
A four-year program of in-person and virtual events tailored for institutions to design and implement a customized project to improve student learning through assessment.
- Assessment Academy Project
A multi-faceted project focused on initiating, implementing and evaluating change related to assessment. Academy teams can undertake one or more projects while in the Academy, but it is advisable for teams to focus on one project at a time.
- Consolidated Response
The combined feedback from an Academy team’s Mentor and a Scholar to the team’s postings in SparQ.
- Event facilitator
An Academy Mentor selected to facilitate conversations and activities at various Academy events.
- Impact Report
The Academy team’s culminating report, posted at the end of the Academy, summarizing what occurred throughout the project and detailing the outcomes.
- Letter of Agreement
A document signed by the institution’s president and HLC’s president at the beginning of the program, outlining the expectations of each party throughout the Academy experience.
- Mentor
An experienced practitioner who has volunteered to guide certain Academy teams for the duration of their participation, facilitating team thinking and a project-based approach to addressing assessment or student success.
- Mentor Consultation
An Academy event, typically conducted virtually, in which the Mentor reviews the Academy team’s progress and offers recommendations for the team’s project development and sustainability.
- Mentor Response
Response provided by the Mentor regarding the progress of the Academy team’s project as communicated in the team’s postings in SparQ.
- Orientation Webinar
A virtual event presented by HLC to prepare the institutional representatives heading the Academy effort to assemble and lead an effective Academy team.
- Populations Inventory (Student Success Academy)
An inventory of available data on the institution’s student populations conducted together with a survey on perceptions at the institution of what student success means to the institution.
- Progress Updates (Student Success Academy)
Posts to SparQ by Academy teams documenting discoveries gained from inventories which supports the team in better understanding the structures, policies, and processes that affect student success.
- Project Updates (Assessment Academy)
Posts to SparQ by Academy teams documenting the learning outcomes, accomplishments and results of their continuing work on the Academy Project.
- Results Forum (Assessment Academy)
A multi-day event at the end of the Academy cycle when teams evaluate the impact of their Academy Projects, showcase accomplishments, share best practices and design strategies to sustain their progress.
- Scholar
An expert on assessment of student learning and/or student success engaged by HLC to offer additional guidance to Academy teams on their postings in SparQ.
- Senior Scholar
An expert practitioner engaged by HLC to consult on the design of the curriculum and activities for all Academy components, and to offer additional guidance to Academy teams on Project Updates.
- SparQ
The online tool for project management, resource sharing, and discussion. Academy teams can document progress, receive Mentor and Scholar feedback, share ideas and build a community.
- Stewardship Forum (Student Success Academy)
A multi-day event at the end of the Academy cycle where teams share their accomplishments and findings, discuss promising practices and define strategies to sustain their student success efforts.
- Student Success Academy
A multi-year program designed to aid institutions in developing a plan that addresses systemic barriers to students achieving their goals and learn more about their student populations and the support mechanisms, infrastructure, and engagement needed to support their success.
- Student Success Plan (Student Success Academy)
A plan created by the Academy team to address gaps in the institution’s data, initiatives, infrastructure and engagement that will guide the institution in systematically improving student success.