Statement of Accreditation Status
as of September 11, 2024
Pittsburg State University
1701 S. Broadway
Pittsburg, KS 66762
(620) 231-7000
*Previous names: Institution name changed from Kansas State College of Pittsburg to Pittsburg State University. (1977)
The information on this page describes the accreditation relationship between this institution and the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). General information about HLC and the accreditation process is provided at the end of this document.
Accreditation Information
Current status: Accredited
• Action Letter - Reaffirmation of Accreditation
Accreditation granted: |
Most recent reaffirmation of accreditation: 2022 - 2023
Next reaffirmation of accreditation: 2032 - 2033
Upcoming or In-Progress Reviews
Date | Event | Description |
2026 - 2027: | Assurance Review | |
2032 - 2033: | Comprehensive Evaluation | |
Most Recent History With HLC
Date | Event | Description |
02/27/2023: | Comprehensive Evaluation | Reaffirm Accreditation - The visiting team report found two core components (4B and 4C) as "Met with concerns." The ratings were based on a few narrow issues identified in each core component rather than taking a holistic view of the core components. They were also based on misinterpretation of some terminologies used by the institution. The institutional response clarifies each concern, provides additional information, and accepts taking further actions to address some of the concerns. There is evidence that core component 4B is met and that all of the academic programs participate in assessment processes. Further, there appears to have been a significant disconnect between the institution's assessment of learning terminologies and those used by the team. The institutional response points to a number of assessments of co-curricular activities, including a formal review of the definition of co-curricular activities in 2019. The institution does acknowledge the disruption of co-curricular activities in 2020 due to Covid-19 which delayed the implementation of the newly designed co-curricular training program. However, the institution has had a robust program of assessing co-curricular programs and activities. Evidence that core component 4C is met included an examination of the institution's assurance documents as well as the institutional response which delineate the existence of a strategic plan, covering the period 2016-2022. The plan contains very specific retention, persistence, and completion goals. The strategic plan had been extended for one more year covering 2022-2023 upon arrival of the new president which occurred only four months before the HLC visit. Moreover, the institution has recently completed a comprehensive analysis of strengths and challenges as part of the strategic planning process. This has resulted in a revision of the mission and vision, along with identification of strategic goals. The assurance documents and the institutional response also provide clear evidence that the institution routinely uses data and information to support student success strategies. The institution uses several initiatives such as participation in the National Institute of Student Success to assist with achieving the above goals. |
07/18/2017: | Assurance Review | Review Completed |
05/21/2013: | Reaffirmation of Accreditation | |
Student Success Outcomes
Student outcome information, including graduation rates and other measures, is available on the institution's website and the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard and College Navigator.
• Pittsburg State University Student Achievement Data
• College Scorecard: Pittsburg State University
• College Navigator: Pittsburg State University
Note: The College Scorecard and College Navigator links above will take you to information about the institution's main campus. Some colleges or universities may report separate information on these websites for certain divisions or branch campuses. Search these sites to find this additional information.
Institutional Characteristics
Please note: All institutions are required to represent themselves accurately and consistently to multiple agencies. Information about the institution that is published by other agencies may appear differently, depending on the timing of the institution's updates to those agencies or those agencies' definitions or standards. For example, an institution's control may be categorized differently by the U.S. Department of Education for other purposes under its standards.
Number of Educational Programs
Degree programs:
- Associate's: 6
- Bachelor's: 49
- Master's: 28
- Specialist: 2
- Doctoral: 2
Branch Campuses and Additional Locations
Approved Branch Campuses and Additional Locations
The institution's accreditation includes courses and programs offered at the branch campuses and additional locations listed below. This list includes campuses and locations that are active and inactive (i.e., not currently enrolling students).
Last updated: 06/06/2022
Branch Campuses
Additional Locations
KCK Central Office & Training Center - kansas City, Kansas
Branch Campuses
Additional Locations
Branch Campuses
Additional Locations
HLC's Notification Program for Additional Locations
Institutions that meet certain eligibility criteria may apply to participate in HLC's Notification Program for Additional Locations. This program allows institutions to open new locations after notifying HLC and receiving confirmation that the location has been added to our records, rather than applying for approval through the standard substantive change process.
Participation Status
The institution does not participate in the Notification Program for Additional Locations.
About HLC and Accreditation
HLC is an institutional accreditation agency that accredits degree-granting colleges and universities that are based in the United States.
Institutional accreditation validates the quality of an institution as a whole and evaluates multiple aspects of an institution, including its academic offerings, governance and administration, mission, finances, and resources. HLC's accreditation includes all degree levels as well as on-site and online course delivery. Institutions of higher education in the United States may also seek accreditation through specialized or programmatic accreditation agencies, which accredit programs, departments or schools within a college or university.
Evaluation Process
Institutions that HLC accredits are evaluated against its Criteria for Accreditation and other HLC requirements. HLC accreditation assures quality by verifying that an institution (1) meets threshold requirements and (2) is engaged in continuous improvement. In addition, all institutions are required to report data annually in the Institutional Update, undergo annual monitoring of financial and non-financial indicators, and adhere to HLC policies and practices.
The accreditation process is based on a system of peer review. Faculty and staff from institutions of higher education serve as HLC peer reviewers conducting accreditation evaluations for other institutions. They make recommendations to HLC’s decision-making bodies, which take final action on institutional evaluations.
Decision Making
HLC's decision-making bodies evaluate and make decisions, called actions, on recommendations from peer reviewers and staff that review institutions for their compliance with HLC's Criteria for Accreditation and other requirements. The decision-making bodies are comprised of institutional representatives and public members. See Decision-Making Bodies and Processes for more information.
Public Information
HLC is committed to providing information to the public regarding accreditation decisions made regarding individual institutions.
Actions that are taken by HLC regarding an institution's accreditation status are disclosed to the public. In cases of reaffirming continued accreditation, placing an institution on or reviewing a sanction, or withdrawing accreditation, the Action Letter issued to the institution is made available on the institution's Statement of Accreditation Status, found by searching the institution's name through HLC's online directory. Public Disclosure Notices (PDNs) are also issued and posted in the directory in cases of sanction, assigning or removing an institutional designation, resignation of accreditation or candidacy, institutional closing or withdrawal of accreditation by HLC. The PDN provides the public with the most applicable information from the posted Action Letter. HLC decision-making outcomes also are summarized on the HLC Institutional Actions page.
Complaints Against Institutions
HLC has a formal complaint process, consisting of an online complaint form for faculty, students and other parties to submit information regarding a member institution’s potential non-compliance with HLC requirements. As stated in HLC policy, the complaints process is designed to enable HLC to review, in a timely and fair manner, information that suggests potential substantive non-compliance with an institution's ability to meet HLC requirements.