EVOLVE 2025: Engagement Goals and Action Steps
As an active member of the higher education ecosystem, HLC will seek opportunities for engagement with member institutions, governmental bodies, students and other stakeholders. Engagement includes outreach efforts, advocacy and civic engagement.
Goal 1: Collaborate With Higher Education Stakeholders
Expand and strengthen collaboration with the Triad (state agencies, federal government and accreditors), K-12, associations and the Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions (C-RAC) to more strategically support improved equity in access and attainment in HLC's region.
2021–2025, then ongoing
- With funding from Lumina Foundation, HLC has engaged more than 20 representatives in a Stakeholders’ Roundtable, holding two virtual meetings examining insights into the relationship between higher education, accreditation and the workforce.
- The 2021 Annual Conference presented numerous opportunities to hear from members and stakeholders regarding the new strategic plan, EVOLVE, and various other initiatives at HLC building on the ongoing dialog with members regarding the value of membership.
Goal 2: Spotlight HLC Member Stories and Perspectives
Invite the membership to include HLC as one avenue for telling their stories. Reinforce HLC's commitment to advancing quality by augmenting the voice of HLC's membership in publications and celebrating institutional exemplars.
2022, then ongoing
Action Steps
- Ask institutions for their stories about responding to major changes affecting their experience of accreditation, including HLC's revised Criteria for Accreditation, revised federal regulations effective July 1, 2020, and related changes in HLC policies and procedures. Include institutions' responses to COVID-19 and their perspective as to how accreditation will need to adapt to be more effective during similar crises. Document ways institutions handled the fast-changing landscape. Identify the myriad of challenges institutions face as they continue to navigate accreditation adaptations during crises.
- Spotlight these stories in Leaflet, thereby sharing them with institutional members and other subscribers.
Goal 3: Increase Collaboration With the Triad
Complete one or more collaborative projects with states and the U.S. Department of Education. Coordinate a coalition of representatives from states, the U.S. Department of Education and institutional accreditors to execute a project recommended in the 2019 thought paper "Relationship to the Triad & Beyond," while demonstrating sensitivity to topical issues revealed by COVID-19.
2021–2022, then ongoing
- HLC will again host the State Agency meeting in November to roster communication between HLC and the state agencies.
- HLC has had a lot or interaction with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Postsecondary Education and the Federal Student Aid office on substantive change specifically on topics such as distance education and program or degree change requiring accreditor approval. These interactions have providing HLC with the insight necessary to provide clarity for the membership.
- HLC has reached out to U.S. Undersecretary of Education James Kvaal and U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel A. Cardona, inviting them to HLC's events including the Annual Conference to start conversations on their priorities related to accreditation.
Goal 4: Build National Awareness of HLC
Develop and execute a long-term strategy and business plan to build HLC's brand nationally as a prominent and trusted institutional accreditor while remaining mindful of antitrust principles. Expand the understanding of HLC and its history as a leading quality assurance organization for the colleges and universities within its membership, dedicated to providing important validations for all higher education stakeholders.
2021–2025, then ongoing
Action Steps
- Invite accreditation champions drawn from up to 25 presidents, Accreditation Liaison Officers, state higher education officials and elected officials or staff to participate in discussion and training related to accreditation advocacy with elected officials on an as-needed basis.
- Convene a group of stakeholders to work on a consumer guide(s) that increases awareness of the uses and value of accreditation information in the college choice process and a companion resource guide for high school guidance counselors and other institutional agents to use in advising on college and career options.
- Design training and develop resources.
- As relevant, ask participants to serve as advocates.
Goal 5: Build Relationships With Specialized Accreditors
Enhance communications with specialized accreditors to better inform HLC's evaluations. Build relationships with specialized accreditors and enhance awareness of synergies within the higher educationecosystem.
2022–2023, then ongoing
Action Steps
- Survey specialized accreditors to identify areas of convergence and divergence in standards, with the stated purpose of identifying potential challenges for institutions.
- Convene a webinar twice annually consisting of institutional representatives and selected specialized accreditor(s) to brainstorm potential solutions and/or build awareness.
Civic Engagement
Goal 6: Evaluate Core Component 1.C
Examine how Core Component 1.C is being implemented by institutions and reviewed by peer reviewers by evaluating team reports and assurance arguments against a rubric, then analyzing results and reporting findings to HLC leaders. Demonstrate responsiveness, fairness and continuous improvement by taking into account feedback that improves the language of Core Component 1.C within HLC's Criteria for Accreditation.
Action Steps
- Develop a rubric for evaluating team reports and Assurance Arguments with respect to Core Component 1.C; test the rubric and revise as needed.
- Analyze findings and submit recommendations to HLC leadership teams.
- Provide preliminary findings to the HLC Board for feedback on potential revisions to Core Component 1.C.
- Present findings and host listening sessions at the Annual Conference. Provide new training to peer reviewers on evaluating civic engagement activities.
Goal 7: Implement Recommendations From Core Component 1.C. Evaluation
Using findings from the evaluation of Core Component 1.C, provide additional training (webinars and conference sessions) for institutions and peer reviewers, and work toward adjusting the language in the Criteria for Accreditation as necessary. Potentially shift language related to Core Component 1.C during the next revision of the Criteria for Accreditation or earlier, based on feedback.
Action Steps
- Draft new language for Core Component 1.C for consideration by the HLC Board, integrating feedback from staff and input from institutions and peer reviewers at the Annual Conference.
- Offer new webinar trainings and Annual Conference sessions.
Goal 8: Join Public Dialog on Civic Engagement
Strive to participate in the public dialog about civic engagement by speaking at national conferences and writing thought papers.
- HC joined forces with higher education and student success organizations to announce a Shared Commitment to make "Democracy Learning a Top Priority for Postsecondary Education."
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