Assurance Filings Moving to Canopy
With the transition to HLC’s revised Criteria for Accreditation in September 2025, HLC will also streamline the technology that supports comprehensive evaluations and Assurance Reviews. The current stand-alone Assurance System will be sunset during fall 2025, and institutions and peer reviewers will conduct their work for these reviews in Canopy.
On This Page
Timeline for Access to Canopy
For Institutions
Institutions will be given access to their Assurance Filing in Canopy when the date of their next comprehensive evaluation, Assurance Review or evaluation related to seeking accreditation is scheduled.
This change means that institutions on the Standard and Open Pathways will receive access to the Assurance Filings for their Year 4 and Year 10 evaluations in Year 2 and Year 8 of their accreditation cycle, respectively. We will no longer make the institution’s next Assurance Filing available immediately after its last Assurance Review or comprehensive evaluation is complete.
We are making this change because most institutions do not start working on their next Assurance Filing until 1–2 years before the evaluation date. In the past, giving early access to the filing has led to complications if there is turnover at an institution or changes to HLC’s Criteria in the years between an institution’s evaluations.
Institutions with evaluations in academic years 2025–26 and 2026–27
HLC will give institutions with reviews in AY2025–26 and AY2026–27 access to their Assurance Filing no later than the end of March 2025.
We will notify the institution’s Primary Filing Coordinator, Accreditation Liaison Officer and Chief Executive Officer when the Assurance Filing is available.
For Peer Reviewers
Peer reviewer access to Assurance Reviews in Canopy will function similarly to the current Assurance System. When they are assigned to an evaluation that involves an Assurance Review, peer reviewers will be able to access the institution’s materials and the Assurance Review dashboard shortly after the institution’s lock date. They will lose access to an Assurance Review after the final team report is submitted.
What to Expect in Canopy
Assurance Argument and Evidence File
HLC is not migrating Assurance Arguments and Evidence Files from the Assurance System to Canopy. Institutions will be responsible for building their Assurance Filing when they are given access to the new filing in Canopy.
While HLC is planning certain enhancements to Assurance Filings and Reviews, much of the functionality will be familiar to current Assurance System and Canopy users. The basic structure of the Assurance Filing remains the same, with an introduction, narrative sections for each Criterion and Core Component, and an Evidence File of PDF documents and limited URL sources. Institutions will still be able to add a team of contributors for their Assurance Argument, with roles and access levels similar to what is available in the current system.
Revised Criteria for Accreditation
HLC has provided multiple resources to assist institutions in writing to the revised Criteria for Accreditation:
- Providing Evidence for the Revised Criteria
- Crosswalk between the 2020 and 2025 Criteria
- Criteria Walkthroughs (webinar recordings)
- FAQs
Primary Filing Coordinator Role
In preparation for the launch of Assurance Filings in Canopy, HLC created a new institutional contact role: Primary Filing Coordinator. This individual will be responsible for the development and submission of Assurance Filings in Canopy. HLC automatically assigned this new role to each institution’s current Primary Assurance System Coordinator. Institutions may change that assignment in the Contact Update Survey in Canopy.
Note: The Primary Assurance System Coordinator role will remain active until the Assurance System is sunset during fall 2025.
Canopy Accounts for Primary Filing Coordinators
Individuals in this role will be given access to Canopy by the end of March 2025. They will be able to view general institutional information and will have full access to their institution’s Assurance Filing when it is activated in the system.
HLC will provide training and support for institutions and peer reviewers as they are given access to Assurance Filings and Reviews in Canopy. Instructions for these new sections will also be added to the Canopy User Guide when they are launched in the system.
Exporting Assurance System Materials
The current stand-alone Assurance System will be sunset after reviews conducted during academic year 2024–25 are complete. If an institution wishes to save its Assurance Argument or Evidence File in the system, we encourage institutions to export their materials by September 1, 2025. See below for instructions.
Export the Assurance Argument
- Users may either export the entire Assurance Argument or export individual sections of the Argument.
- To print a copy of the entire Assurance Argument, go to the Dashboard page.
- To print a copy of a single section, click on the title of the specific section in the Dashboard.
- Click “Export/Print” located at the top right of the page.
- Select either “Export to PDF” or “Export to Word” (this may take a moment to complete).
- The narrative will open as either a PDF or Word document that can be printed or saved as needed. (This file will not include any Evidence File documents linked in the Argument.)
- Close the Generate Printable File window by clicking the X in the top right corner of the box or by clicking the Close button.
Export PDF Documents in the Evidence File
- In the Evidence File tab, click the Actions button above the file manager.
- Select “Generate Zip File,” and then click “OK” in the dialog box that appears.
- The user who requested the zip file will receive an email from the Assurance System when the file is ready to download. There are two ways to access the zip file:
- Click the link in the email message to download the zip file, which will include all the PDF documents in the institution’s Evidence File.
- The zip file can also be downloaded from the Evidence File tab. Click the Actions button, and then select “Download Zip File.”
Important: If any user makes changes to the Evidence File documents, the zip file will need to be regenerated in order for those changes to be reflected in the zip file contents. To do so, click the Actions button and select “Regenerate Zip File.”

Submit a Canopy help request or Assurance System help request.