Policy Number: INST.B.10.010
An institution applying for or holding accredited or candidate status with HLC shall demonstrate that it meets HLC’s jurisdictional requirements, as established in the Bylaws of the Higher Learning Commission and HLC policies related to (1) incorporation and (2) substantial presence. Institutions already holding accredited or candidate status with HLC that are unable to demonstrate these jurisdictional requirements shall be subject to potential further action for non-compliance with HLC requirements as outlined in HLC policy.
An institution shall demonstrate that it is incorporated in, or operating under federal authority in conjunction with an executive branch or independent federal agency or branch of the U.S. military in, the United States. An institution applying for or holding accredited or candidate status with HLC shall demonstrate that its primary purpose is higher education.
Substantial Presence
An institution shall demonstrate that its operations are substantially in the United States. An institution shall provide evidence that the majority of its administration, educational activity, business operations, and executive and administrative leadership are located or are operating in the United States. Institutions that have campuses or additional locations must demonstrate that at least one campus or additional location (if the institution has additional locations) is located in the United States.
Policy History
Last Revised: June 2021
First Adopted: November 2010 and June 2009
Revision History: June 2012, February 2019, November 2020, June 2021
Notes: Policies combined November 2012 – 1.2, 1.2(a), 1.2(b), 1.2(c), 3.5. In February 2021, references to the Higher Learning Commission as “the Commission” were replaced with the term “HLC.”

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