Substantive Change: Competency-Based Education

Prior HLC approval may be required for new competency-based education (CBE) programs, including credit-based, direct assessment or hybrid programs.

Note: If an institution is partnering with a third-party entity to offer a program, it might need to notify HLC about or apply for prior approval of a contractual arrangement. Prior HLC approval or notification may also be required for changes to existing educational programs.

CBE Resources

Before applying for HLC approval of a CBE program, institutions should review the following:

Institutions planning to offer CBE programs that are considered for Title IV eligibility should also be aware that the U.S. Department of Education requires that they obtain approval from their institutional accrediting body prior to filing their applications with the Department.

Types of Requests

The following information is provided for general guidance. Institutions planning a change related to their CBE programs should contact their HLC staff liaison to confirm that prior HLC approval or notification is required.

Prior HLC Approval Required

How to Apply

Submit the CBE Program Application.

Review Process

Change Panel

Review and Decision-Making Timeline

At least five months from the submission of a complete application. Due to the nature of HLC’s review of CBE program applications, the process may take longer than other types of requests.

Prior HLC Approval Required

A credit-based CBE program requiring approval is one in which (1) the majority (51 percent or more) of the credits are offered through CBE or (2) the general education courses or the major courses are being converted to CBE and the program is organized around competencies.

How to Apply

Submit the CBE Program Application.

Important: Credit-based CBE programs that were offered prior to May 1, 2015, and reported to HLC through the survey sent in the spring of 2016 are included in the institution’s approvals. These programs are listed in an institution’s Institutional Status and Requirements (ISR) Report under Accreditation Stipulations. They do not count toward the first two programs approvals.

Review Process

Change Panel

Review and Decision-Making Timeline

At least five months from the submission of a complete application. Due to the nature of HLC’s review of CBE program applications, the process may take longer than other types of requests.

HLC Notification Required

A credit-based CBE program requiring approval is one in which (1) the majority (51% or more) of the credits are offered through CBE or (2) the general education courses or the major courses are being converted to CBE and the program is organized around competencies.

How to Notify HLC

Contact the institution’s HLC staff liaison.

Important: Credit-based CBE programs that were offered prior to May 1, 2015, and reported to HLC through the survey sent in the spring of 2016 are included in the institution’s approvals. These programs are listed in an institution’s Institutional Status and Requirements (ISR) Report under Accreditation Stipulations. They do not count toward the first two programs approvals.

Contact the institution’s HLC staff liaison

A credit-based CBE program requiring approval is one in which (1) the majority (51 percent or more) of the credits are offered through CBE or (2) the general education courses or the major courses are being converted to CBE and the program is organized around competencies.

A program would be considered a significant departure from the institution’s existing programs if the institution does not currently offer other programs at the same degree level and in the same general discipline (i.e., with CIP codes with the same first two digits as the proposed program). A program may also be considered a significant departure based on other factors, including, but not limited to, whether the institution plans to hire additional faculty with new expertise or to acquire specialized accreditation.

Contact the institution’s HLC staff liaison to discuss the proposed program and determine whether prior HLC approval or notification is required. An institution’s staff liaison is identified in its Institutional Status and Requirements Report.

If Prior Approval Is Required

Submit the CBE Program Application . The application will be reviewed by a Change Panel, and the review and decision-making process will take at least five months from the submission of the application.

If Notification Is Required

Update the institution’s degree program information in the next Institutional Update.