Accreditation shouldn’t stifle innovation – it should provide the fuel.


Accreditation provides opportunities for assurance and improvement. Whether through our accreditation processes or our member benefits, HLC is built on access to the opportunity of innovation.

HLC staff member Vince Coraci speaking at the HLC Annual Conference

Reduced-Credit Bachelor’s Degrees

As a partner to propel, HLC continues to work with institutions to provide students with quality educational programs in innovative ways. If an institution is considering offering a reduced-credit bachelor’s program, it will submit a substantive change application regarding that reduced-credit program. 

HLC staff member Melanie Booth and panel members speaking at an HLC Annual Conference

Credential Lab

HLC’s Credential Lab supports institutions and learners in navigating the vast field of microcredentials. We are designing a quality assurance system for microcredential providers, and developing resources for institutions and providers to ensure learning outcomes.

A person gesturing in front of people sitting in an auditorium

Quality Initiatives

The Quality Initiative, part of the quality assurance of the Open Pathway, is intended to allow member institutions to take risks, aim high and learn from only partial success or even failure.