June 2022 Actions
HLC’s Board of Trustees, Institutional Actions Council (IAC) and staff take actions on institutional evaluations, requests from institutions for approval of substantive changes, and other aspects of the accreditation relationship.
HLC posts all institutional actions within 30 days after the action is taken. Actions taken during June 2022 are published below and/or on the institution’s Statement of Accreditation Status in the HLC Directory of Institutions.
Board of Trustees
The Higher Learning Commission’s Board of Trustees took the following actions on June 23, 2022.
American InterContinental University System, Approved the extension of accreditation related to the Change of Control, Structure or Organization application wherein the institution acquires certain assets of CalSouthern University, with CalSouthern University ceasing to be an independently accredited institution and to henceforth be known and operated as a component within the institution.
Northwestern College, Placed on Probation and approved the institution’s request to establish a new main campus at 9400 South Cicero Ave., Oak Lawn, IL 60453.
Institution notified of the Probation action on June 30, 2022. Information for the public published on July 1, 2022.
St. Cloud Technical and Community College, Continued accreditation.
Pontifical College Josephinum, Placed on Probation
Institution notified on June 30, 2022. Information for the public published on July 1, 2022.
West Virginia
Catholic Distance University, Granted initial accreditation.
Northland College, Reaffirmed accreditation.

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