EVOLVE 2025:
Vision Goals and Action Steps
The Mission and Vision statements of HLC reflect the changing higher education and accreditation landscape. They also illustrate HLC’s critical role in the higher education ecosystem.

Mission Statement
Effective April 2021. Will be reviewed annually at the June Board of Trustees meeting.
Advance the common good through quality assurance of higher education as the leader in equitable, transformative and trusted accreditation in the service of students and member institutions.
Vision Statement
Effective April 2021. Will be reviewed annually at the June Board of Trustees meeting.
HLC will be the champion of quality higher education by working proactively in support of students, institutions and their communities.
Timeline: 2021–2025, then ongoing
Goal 1: Focusing on students first as the most critical stakeholder in higher education and institutional accreditation.
Goal 2: Exemplifying a commitment to equity in its operations and policies, service to members, Criteria for Accreditation and all other standards.
Goal 3: Emphasizing the importance of outcomes that lead to student success in academics, the workforce, engaged citizenry and social responsibility as they relate to institutional mission.
Goal 4: Providing leadership and advocacy in higher education and accreditation at the state and federal levels.
Goal 5: Demonstrating HLC’s respect for the role of diversity and inclusion in higher education institutions and missions.
Goal 6: Exploring new business models which include an expansion of membership, including the wider higher education and postsecondary ecosystem.
Goal 7: Demonstrating agility in thought leadership to promote innovation.
Goal 8: Enhancing the value of higher education through accreditation and peer review.
Goal 9: Promoting and displaying civil discourse and engagement.
Goal 10: Fostering collaboration and member development through timely and informed educational opportunities.
Goal 11: Expanding and refining the use of technology and other services for the benefit of members engaging in accreditation activities as well as HLC’s educational programs.
Goal 12. Continuously exploring new means and opportunities for achieving operational excellence in service to its membership.
- On September 1. HLC launched a new Accelerated Process for Initial Accreditation for institutions interested in seeking accreditation with HLC when they are currently accredited by another historically regional accreditation agency. HLC also streamlined its Eligibility Process and Candidacy procedures for other institutions seeking HLC accreditation.
- HLC has continued its work with the Students’ Right To Know Guide Task Force and the Stakeholders’ Roundtable. The Task Force is currently drafting the guide and the
Roundtable is drafting two thought papers.

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